Aloe Vera is actually a very versatile plant. It can be used for just about any skin issue as well as other internal remedies for your body. Here's a small list of things it can do:

Make skin new again with an exfoliating, organic sugar scrub by mixing together two tbsp. of aloe vera, 2 tbsp. of organic brown sugar and 1 tsp. of organic lemon juice.

Help rid of Rosacea. 19. Shrink warts.

Reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles. Cleopatra did!

Help eliminate Eczema.

Brighten skin. Aloe can decrease pigmentation and dark spots.

But for Celluria, Aloe Vera is used because it encourages skin rejuvenation, superb penetrating moisturizing agent, helps to stimulate the body’s immune system, while being naturally hypoallergenic nearly matching pH balance of the skin.

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