Celluria uses Aloe Vera in the formula for a few reasons. But before we get into that, let's talk about what Aloe Vera is.

"Aloe Vera - Encourages skin rejuvenation, superb penetrating moisturizing agent, helps to stimulate the body’s immune system, while being naturally hypoallergenic nearly matching pH balance of the skin. "

If you're not too familiar with that Aloe Vera is, basically it is a cactus plant that is part of the Liliaceae family. It grows in dry climates such as those found in parts of Africa and India. But it can flourish in moderate weather conditions much like the kind found in California, Nevada and Arizona. Aloe Vera has been used medicinally for thousands of years.

Aloe Vera secretes a clear gel that when broken off from the rest of the plant that can be applied topically to heal wounds and soothe skin. This healing property is why its used in Celluria.

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